Friday, June 18, 2010

Meet Pop Culture Princess...and how it came about

In keeping with the Stars theme on the blog, this is one of the first bracelets I made, Stars and Circles. I love stars -- maybe because I think I am one! Delusional? An absolute possibility...

Hi. I'm Joan, my closest friends call me J, and I started Pop Culture Princess because of a ton of bad CD's. Seriously. My sister Nikki and I are partners in a music and fashion website (http:/ and we get so many CD's to review that we didn't know what to do with them when the used CD market dried up! So one night, lying awake sleepless, I had the idea that they could be upcycled somehow into jewelry.

The strange thing about this was that I had never made jewelry before. Sure, friendship bracelets in summer camp maybe, but not with metals, clasps, findings, etc. I have always looooved bright shiny things (and more than often, been distracted by them), but make them? No way. I can't even draw a circle! Martha Stewart I ain't.

After talking with Nikki about the idea, I decided to just go for it. I studied how to make jewelry, discovered all the issues there are working within the limitations of CD's and DVD's, hunted down beads to recycle, burned my hands, learned just how to use an electric drill, tried to set my house on fire, and now am navigating the wonders of Etsy (you can see my shop on my website: and social networking. All because of a couple hundred CD's I couldn't bear to see in a landfill not decomposing.

Even stranger than never making jewelry before is this: I'm actually pretty good at it. Who knew??

I am constantly making and designing new items, whether for gifts, sale, or custom made. I do take custom orders, and am also looking for craft shows to display at. If you have any suggestions at all, I would appreciate any help I can get!

Cheers! -J

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