Sunday, September 23, 2012

Creative Blocks Not Allowed!

Ever have one of those days when you want to be creative, try really hard to be creative, but just can't seem to make anything work no matter what? I'm having one of those days today. I've been working like mad on the day job, and was really hoping to hit the ground running this weekend with the Fall 2012 collection. Everything is in place for me to make gorgeous things. Except...for me.

What I thought would look gorgeous came out looking chintzy. So much so that I had to step away from it to rethink. This whole collection has been like that so far. It's making me wonder if I am on the right path or not.

I may have to walk away from it and gather myself for another angle. Another idea. Another...I don't know, dammit!

Guess it's all a part of the creative process sometimes.

So, in the meantime, I'll just work on the website. I love my newfound Photoshop skills. Here's the latest banner I just put up:

At least that part of me is functioning, lol!

Wishing you and yours a great rest of the weekend (if you have any left) -J

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