Sunday, January 16, 2011

Do good work, then get out of the way!

On one of the Etsy forums, an artist posted about a conversation she had with a successful sculptor who was a bit of a recluse. His advice to her was to make sure you do the best you can, do what you love, and stay the hell out of the way!

How many times do we see something we love, only to realize that perhaps there are unwanted "labels" attached to it? Silly examples would include a great dress, but the advertising for it features an overexposed Kardashian. Or maybe you need a loan, but those annoying pop ups on your computer make you shy away - or a car but the salesperson! Ugh.

OK so these are extreme examples. His point was that there is something innately beautiful to someone, somewhere, when you put your talents to work and enjoy what you do. With patience and persistence, your audience will find it if you just put it out there.

Of course in this age of internet, go go go lifestyle, Facebook et al., it's hard to know what is too much and what is too little. To Tweet or not to Tweet, that is the question.

How do you promote your business and work without it being offputting to a buyer? Where exactly is that "sweet spot"?

Something to ponder. -luv J

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